§ 78-94. Standards for issuance of permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The application shall be promptly reviewed by the chief of police. The chief shall grant the permit if he determines that the special event will not jeopardize public safety, health or welfare; unduly disrupt traffic patterns; and if the applicant has complied with this article and all applicable laws and ordinances.


    The chief of police may suggest and consult with the applicant on alternative times, routes, or other conditions of the special event. The chief may specify in the permit reasonable rules and conditions affecting same so as to ensure the overall safety of the participants, citizens, and property, and to ensure the orderly movement of traffic in and near the special event area or route.


    A special event route shall not contain any portion of the following streets, roads, or highways, unless a permit for same has been obtained from the state department of transportation and presented at the time of application:


    Interstate Highway 59, including its service roads;


    U.S. Highway 90A; and


    FM 1092.


    This provision shall not be construed to prohibit a special event route from crossing one of the listed streets, roads, or highways while traveling along or upon a nonlisted street, road, or highway.


    Upon proper application and determination by the chief of police that the applicant has satisfied the applicable provisions of this article, the permit shall be issued to the applicant. The permit shall contain the following information:


    The date of the special event;


    The approximate starting and termination time of the special event;


    The minimum and maximum speeds to be traveled by any vehicles;


    The area or route where the special event will be conducted;


    The estimated number of persons, animals, and vehicles that will participate in the special event; and


    Any other rules, regulations, and conditions agreed to by the applicant or imposed in accordance with this article, including any bonding requirements or payment of additional costs.


    The chief of police shall act upon an application for a special event permit within ten working days after filing thereof, provided the application is complete in all respects. An incomplete application shall be returned to the applicant with any deficiencies noted thereon. If the chief does not approve a completed application, he shall mail to the applicant, within 15 working days after the date upon which the application was filed, a notice of his decision, stating the reasons for denial of the permit.

(Code 1992, § 23-59)